2 responses

  1. Sabin
    June 5, 2016

    Hi there
    Good of you to write this stuff.
    I am an architect based in Cambridge and have only just completed the Passivhaus course in london and was looking forward to getting myself dirty with Phpp and designph when I remembered that Energos calcs are also based on Passivhaus.
    Most of my works is done in sketchup, including details, save for larger projects where I have to use Vectorworks.

    Question for you, is the Energos data integration with Phpp better than designPH? As I understand, naming of surfaces and other attributes is not exported by the latter, making it awkward to identify individual elements in Phpp.

    Many thanks,



    • Mark Stephens
      June 6, 2016

      Hi Sabin

      Many thanks; designPH has better integration directly with PHPP



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