2 responses

  1. Kevin
    July 21, 2015

    What a wonderful blog, full of useful information for home buyers such as myself.

    I have a question concerning extensions not requiring planning permission. How is the term “extension to the rear of the house” defined under the regs? I am looking at a 12 year old home in County Kerry and the agent indicates that a rear extension can be built without planning permission and defines “rear” as being the side of the house opposite the main entrance. In this case, this is actually the side of the house if facing the property from the road. It should be said that neither the house nor the extension (I believe) can be seen from the road due to a long, winding private driveway and extensive foliage/trees blocking the view from the road.

    Any comments would be most welcome. Thanks.


    • Mark Stephens
      July 21, 2015

      Hi Kevin

      Many thanks for kind words. I’ve always worked to the front being the side facing the road. This may or may not be where the front door is.

      best of luck


      All advice online is remote from the situation and cannot be relied upon as a defence or support – in and of itself – should legal action be taken. Competent legal and building professionals should be asked to advise in Real Life with rights to inspect and issue reports on the matters at hand.


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