The Magnificent Seven Churches in Donegal by Liam McCormick – #7 – Creeslough

So we have reached the final church of the Magnificent Seven Donegal Churches by Liam McCormick – St. Michael’s Church – Creeslough. Completed in 1971, the influence of Le Corbusiers Ronchamp is very apparent in Creeslough. Here are a few Read More …

The Magnificent Seven Churches in Donegal by Liam McCormick – #6 – Milford

So we’re on the home straight now. Just two to go of the Magnificent Seven Churches of Donegal by Liam McCormick. St. Peter’s Church in Milford was the first church designed in Donegal by Liam McCormick- the commission to design Read More …

The Magnificent Seven Churches in Donegal by Liam McCormick – #5 – Desertegney

So we’ve reached No. 5 of the Magnificent 7 Liam McCormick Churches You can read the NIAH Listing HERE Below are a few photos from our visit:

The Magnificent Seven Churches in Donegal by Liam McCormick – #4 – Burt

After a short break (went to UK to see work by Patrick Gwynne (modernist architect in 30’s-60’s); I’m back now with the 4th Liam McCormick Church of the ‘Magnificent Seven’! A reminder that the last stop was at Murlog and Read More …

The Magnificent Seven Churches in Donegal by Liam McCormick – #1 – Glenties @Gilleeece mentioned

As the faithful follower may know that I had a short break in Donegal recently where as a ‘busman’s holiday’ I dragged my better half and youngest (19) around the seven churches in County Donegal by Liam McCormick. Many have Read More …

Online Planning Advice – €50 per question

There has been such a response to THIS POST on the Statute of Limitations and Planning Enforcement that I can no longer provide the response to specific questions free of charge. So, if you have a question on any of Read More …