New model making service for clients… €500 + VAT

The faithful readers will have seen our previous posts on model making: HERE, HERE and one on 3D Printing HERE We are now pleased top provide to clients a model making service that the clients can keep of their design. Read More …

New service for house energy performance #ClimateEmergency

It is now essential that we address the current Climate Emergency. And one of the ways that you can do this in your house is by reducing the amount of energy lost through poor insulation and damp. In a similar Read More …

New online sketch design service now available across Ireland ! Prices held until 2017

To fulfill the inquiries beyond the Connacht region that we are currently receiving (which are considerable) we are pleased to extend the online sketch design services to across Ireland. This is achieved by being able to also purchase the TRAVEL Read More …

Extension/remodelling Irish Cottage service now available across Ireland…

We’ve been getting stacks of enquiries over this year for Irish Cottage extensions across Ireland. Until now we haven’t been able to service them but we’ve put together THIS DOCUMENT (automatic pdf download – check DOWNLOADS folder) that outlines how Read More …

How much does an architect cost ? The answer is… [new business model update]

The faithful readers will know I’ve written on this subject a few times (type in ‘how much does an architect cost’ in the search box!). This post also gives an update on our new business model where the first stage Read More …

We also build other peoples designs… [Work in progress]

Just to let you know that we’re frequently asked to provide only a partial architectural service for clients. This frequently occures where: • We undertake a design a planning application service and the client then has a local engineer or Read More …

The Americans are like us, but they are different: #2 Metric vs Imperial, #Vectorworks handles both

This follows on from the post about Mud Rooms and Utility Rooms and the differences between UK/Ireland and the US Really I should have done this post first, the biggest difference between me working on UK drawings and those from Read More …