It’s a wrap on the filming at the Lighthouse keepers cottage… #Conservation #Restoration

THIS POST gives information on the forthcoming film where one of our restoration projects was used as a location. Well the filming has been wrapped up and I went back when it was all over to take a few additional Read More …

Our #restoration of the light house keepers cottage is in #CryFromTheSea #Film

The embargo on me talking about this project has been lifted and I can give details on how our restoration project of the light house keepers cottage at Ballyglass, Belmullet, County Mayo is going to be in a forthcoming film Read More …

YT giving guided tours of our #Conservation work at #Ballyglass #Lighthouse #Keepers #Cottage Sat 8th Oct #ArchitectureAtTheEdge

I’m very pleased to be giving guided tours of the work we are undertaking at Ballyglass Lighthouse keepers in Belmullet as part of the Architecture at the Edge Festival on ‘Repair’ For more details & to book a slot (I’m Read More …