@itsligo #CreativeShowcase #Architecture

Following on from completing my first year lecturing at ITSligo in the Architecture course; it was great to see the ‘End of Year Show’ – their ‘Creative Showcase’. It has been a privilege teaching such a great bunch of students Read More …

A full year completed lecturing @itsligo #Architecture

Barring some marking; all of my lectures and design studio work have been completed for a year lecturing in Architecture at IT Sligo. You can read more about the new Architecture course (currently undergoing RIAI Accreditation) HERE. I also wrote Read More …

@itsligo #Architecture course in process for @RIAIOnline Accreditation & lecturing…

Great to see that the RIAI accreditation process has started for the architecture course at ITSligo. The course has been provisionally approved for the current cohort of first years. The current situation is fully described on the RIAI website HERE Read More …

Now lecturing @itsligo #Architecture

The faithful readers will know that I’ve been undertaking some lecturing and teaching positions over the years (you can read more about my ‘come-back’ HERE) and I am please to say that as well as undertaking the occasional guest lecturer Read More …

Thanks to @RIAIOnline & @itsligo for getting me back on the road #BoyBand #Lecturer #RIAIBusiness

Life is strange. You often hear about boy bands who made it big, didn’t appreciate their success at the time due to the rushing about and then enjoyed their come-back much more when they had time to reflect and appreciate. Read More …

Really enjoyed being guest tutor @itsligo ;incredibly book I recommended still on reading list @OBUarchitecture #ResponsiveEnvironments

It’s been a long time but I’m finally going back to doing a little 3rd level lecturing. The difference this time is rather than it being about Vectorworks & CAD it’s about design and boy I really enjoyed it. The Read More …