Gearing up with #DesignPH for #Passivhaus #PHPP modelling

As promised in this last post on MATERIALS and THIS POST on our first house that was added to the Passive House Database, I’m giving a little more information on our Passive House modelling methodology… The PHPP modelled house linked Read More …

@ITSligo #Yearbook #Architecture #Faculty #JobFairy #YAADA

The long-time readers will know that I do some lecturing at IT Sligo in the Architecture Department. Each year, the outgoing year is featured in the ‘Year Book’ and as you can expect this year has been a little different Read More …

Site visits resuming Monday 18th May…

Well it looks like I’ll be resuming site visits on the projects that were on hold on Monday 18th May (subject to Government confirmation). The office will still be closed and I’ll be continuing to work from home until the Read More …

Our double pitched triple #Mayo extension with rain-chain featured in @selfbuildire magazine…

Great to see the extensions we were architects on for Leonie & Johnny featured in Selfbuild magazine – grab a copy now! Below is the cover that you’re looking for: We featured this project in a previous post and slideshow Read More …

The importance of Post Occupancy Evaluation #POE #CaseStudy #Passivhaus

This post follows on from these: The 1st County Mayo House added to Passive House Database Why materials are important & embodied carbon calculations Using DesignPH as part of the Passivhaus methodology The reason that these posts (and this one) Read More …

2019 – A year in review of Mark Stephens Architects

It’s that time of the year when we look back in review and see how good (or bad) the year has been. Here are a couple of other years where I’ve done the same thing: 2018 2016 Well what have Read More …


Architects Declare Ireland is calling on registered architects to sign a declaration acknowledging the twin crises of climate breakdown and biodiversity loss as the most serious issue of our time. A group of Irish architects has declared a climate and biodiversity Read More …

Architect? Use your skills in the #ClimateEmergency #IrishArchitectsDeclare

I saw this excellent leaflet given out at the recent RIAI conference (think by the Irish Green Building Council ?) and thought it best to share the ways Architects can use their skills in the #Climate Emergency. You can also Read More …

Great testimonial added (from another architect)…

It’s great when you get feedback from your peers (a visitor to one of our projects by a fellow architect), and we’ve just added this to the Testimonials Page on our website: “[This] house is an advertisement as to why Read More …

TY Project on Swinford Town Hall

Swinford Town Hall 1.0 Historical Background Townhall, Swinford Below is an animation of the Town Hall in Swinford: 1.0.1 The building was on a T-shaped plan with a seven-bay deep single-storey central return. The priests and the parishioners decided to Read More …