Sole Architect as roller coaster driver

Continuing the ‘Architect as…’ theme, this quick post is just to say how sometimes when you’re a sole trader that it feels like you’re driving a roller coaster. One minute its “I have no work, crap”, and a second later Read More …

I look into crystal ball again, we can change the future and the benefits of an architect… ( and a thanks again to @Barros_Isabel )

Following on a bit from the last Crystal ball gazing post on Building Control and Self-Builders I’m looking into the crystal ball again and see one possible development that could arise from the Building Control Amendment. Cue sound effects, whooo, Read More …

Architect as Accountant

Continuing the posts on the roles an architect takes on in his job; it’s an obvious one but one I’m sure most forget is ‘Architect as Accountant’: I posted a FACT SHEET ON HOW THE BUILDER IS PAID and it’s Read More …

Today I've learnt a German word: Baukunst

Flicking through Julys RIBA Journal an article by architect Ian Shaw caught my eye. The article describes his practice’ work in Germany ( and the Germans approach to architecture. The new word I learnt was Baukunst: “The recognition of building Read More …

Architect AND Client as Gymnast

Continuing the ‘Architect as…’ theme (here’s a more recent post on ‘Architect as Accountant’ as an example), this short post is Architect AND Client as Gymnast. Now I’m not intending that the architect and client form a gymnastics team and Read More …

How do you choose the right architect?

This is a bit of a follow-up to the post & comment on: What jobs as well as architects are asked to do work for free (which incidentally got a great response from a whole host of other professions) and Read More …

How you become an architect in Ireland, RIAI, RIBA, IT Sligo, Interior Architecture & @ecologicalbuild

I was at IT Sligo a few weeks back for their end of year show, awards and at the announcement that the Interior Architecture BA (Hons) Degree achieved accreditation as RIBA Part 1 validation from the Royal Institute of British Read More …

Why time sheets are important and why you should love them…

We’ve all been there, asked as a young architect by the partner or office manager to get the time sheets up to date. It was one of my least favourite jobs; I have difficulty trying to remember what I did Read More …

Clients have to make lots of decisions when building, @bobborson mentioned (again)

If you’re contemplating a construction project whether a whole house, extension or refurbishment be prepared to make a lot of decisions. I was reminded of that this week over a single external door. So let’s look at the decisions you Read More …

The Americans are like us, but there are differences: #1 Utility vs Mud Rooms

I love it when I can feel a series of blog posts starting and I feel this one has legs. I’ve been very lucky over the last year working for a US company producing drawings for architectural projects in the Read More …