What should you do? #4 Career advice for would-be architects & coders…

Continuing on from Blogging Tip – Write a post a day on a specific subject – Who are you? and Who are you? Where am I from? and A ‘Restoration Man’ a big shout to @Cornish_Lime & Callywith Quarry. and Read More …

Architect as Expert Witness…

In these highly litigious times; the appointment of an expert witness is unfortunately all-too common and this blog post follows the excellent CPD course I completed at the RIAI on becoming an Expert Witness recently. Firstly, what is an ‘Expert Read More …

@westernpeople and the €38k case against “architect” – an open letter

This follows on from the tweets yesterday concerning the reporting of the €38,000 damages case against an “architect” in yesterdays Western People newspaper (27/11/12). Well I had to say something! Here it is, the open letter sent to the Western Read More …

#BIM for beginners – a simple #BIM example

This is the second post on BIM following on from BIM for Beginners – What is BIM? – A simple BIM Example The following example is BIM at it’s most simple and probably it’s most important: The project was to Read More …

Passivhaus – Is it the Future? a reply to @Piers_Taylor

Occasionally I do a reply to a blog post with a blog post and this is one such occasion. The response is following on from the post by Piers Taylor on Passivhaus: ‘Passivhaus – Is it the Future?’. The post Read More …

Yesterdays #RoomToImprove :A comment on Building Regulations & forthcoming amendments @bregsforum

Yesterday’s Room to Improve on RTE1 with Dermot Bannon MRIAI became a Twitter trending topic in Ireland last night and is a great source of discussion between myself and fellow tweeting architects. And yesterdays episode raised a very important issue Read More …

So is #BIM just software then?

Following on from: BIM for Beginners – what is BIM BIM for Beginners – A simple BIM example and BIM for Beginners – Client Benefits This fourth post poses the question: So is BIM just software then? The basic answer Read More …

Passivhaus, the conversation continues (Part 2)…

Following on from the Reply to Piers Taylor’s post on Passivhaus to his original post on Passivhaus and his response today there’s been an incredible amount of feedback both through the blogs and through Twitter and this post takes my Read More …

My 1st letter from an Inspection from Building Control…

OK I’m sorry. Yesterday I let my potty mouth get away with me. I swore. And I apologise. My only defence is that I received my first ever letter (in 10+ years of working in Ireland) from Building Control following Read More …

The Facts of Life (for architects) #1

A long overdue post continuing the series on ‘The Things they don’t teach at architect’s school’: In case you’ve missed them, here are the previous posts: Most projects don’t go ahead Architecture is War! The architect is translator/interpreter The architect Read More …