Mark Stephens Architects are Assigned Certifiers under S.I.No. 9 of 2014

Mark Stephens Architects are Assigned Certifiers under S.I.No. 9 of 2014 I thought I’d use this post to set out my stall: • Yes, I will be an Assigned Certifier under S.I No.9 of 2014 (as well as ‘Designer’ under Read More …

The days of a single 'engineer' should be over, but they're not…

Following on from the last post concerning How many more times am I going to have to explain the difference between Planning and Building Regulation drawings; this post digs a little deeper into why this situation has arisen: • It’s Read More …

I am actually a Certified Passivhaus DESIGNER!

The saga of my Passivhaus exam certification continues… To recap; I PASSED THE PASSIVHAUS EXAM! But, there’s been an error in classification, I previously showed the ‘Consultant’ logo in this POST but in fact I’m actually a Passivhaus ‘Designer’ due Read More …

Residential architecture is the caring profession; advice for students…

We’ve all heard that nursing is the caring profession but no one really expects that being a residential architect is in fact the true caring job! I’ve written before about how personal the work is when working as a residential Read More …

#Passivhaus and Ironman Triathlon – the connection @WolfgangFeist mentioned

What possible connection could there be between the Passivhaus methodology and Triathlon? If you’re in the Passivhaus world then you couldn’t help but notice the split between The Passive House Institute based in Germany and the Passive House Institute US. Read More …

Who am I? #3 What you do now will help in the future, advice for the young (and old)…

Continuing on from Blogging Tip – Write a post a day on a specific subject – Who are you? and Who are you? Where am I from? and A ‘Restoration Man’ a big shout to @Cornish_Lime & Callywith Quarry. I Read More …

A UK trained architects experience of Irish Building Control @bregsforum

There’s been a lot of comments floating around concerning “UK architects would kill to have the proposed Irish Building Control system”. Now I’m not going to say who said what, I’m simply going to give my personal perspective as a Read More …

How many more times am I going to have to explain this to clients!

This is now beginning to get frustrating. How many more times am I going to have to explain that the drawings for planning are not enough to satisfy the Building Regulations. I’ve written a stack of blog posts, produced fact Read More …

This is the real problem in rural Irish construction (Part 2)

This is Part 2 following on from This is the real problem in rural Irish construction (Part 1). It takes the ‘Dream Team’ discussion a little further… You have to remember the background of rural residential architecture; in my opinion Read More …

When you do this you'll show you know about architecture…(thanks Jamie Oliver)

I was watching Jamie Oliver doing dome Christmas recipes this week and one of them stood out over something he said at the end: The recipe was for ‘Frozen grapes, chocolate & grappa’; sexy photo from below, and CLICK Read More …