What is #Conservation ? The Neues Museum #Berlin

The faithful readers and Instagram followers may have spotted that I was in Berlin recently (half of the week was in Berlin but had to cut the trip short when the Passivhaus conference in the other half was moved (again) Read More …

A project from 2008 finally gets started! #Ballyglass #Lighthouse #Keepers #Cottage

I don’t think there’s much better for an architect to see a project that you thought would never happen finally get started. This is the case with the lighthouse keeper’s cottage at Ballyglass, County Mayo. Exactly 14 years after first Read More …

The Homewood by Patrick Gwynne #modernism

The faithful will have been following my recent trip to Donegal to see the Magnificent Seven Churches by Liam Mccormick (Summary post on the trip HERE) Shortly after this trip I was on a short trip to the UK where Read More …

The Magnificent Seven Donegal Churches by Liam McCormick – a summary

So we reached the end of our journey visiting the Magnificent Seven Donegal Churches by Liam McCormick; this post therefore is a summary of the links, in date order & a couple of observations: 1. Milford – 1961 2. Murlog Read More …

A strange story of life, @itsligo @GMITOfficial and lecturing & #AtlanticTU

So this is an interesting short story: Way back in the day (1990’s) I was teaching CAD (now you’d call it BIM) in the UK and Ireland for both private companies and educational establishments. At this time we probably had Read More …

@ITSligo #Yearbook #Architecture #Faculty #JobFairy #YAADA

The long-time readers will know that I do some lecturing at IT Sligo in the Architecture Department. Each year, the outgoing year is featured in the ‘Year Book’ and as you can expect this year has been a little different Read More …

More on why materials are important #Passivhaus #PHRibbon #ClimateEmergency

I wrote previously on why building materials are important in combating the climate emergency HERE and I’m starting to get to grips with the Embodied CO2 PHPP plug-in ‘PHRibbon’ and have a few bits that I’d like to add to Read More …

Calling all #Architecture Students, lecturers & architects of Ireland… @CURRENT_IRELAND #LectureSeries #TODAY!

The title has it for Architecture Students of Ireland but it is equally as important to lecturers, architects, practices… In fact you could attend from anywhere in world! (I’m regularly now in New York virtually for SketchUp tutorials). So, each Read More …

Architects Declare Ireland Zoom Welcome Meeting – Thursday 11th June 7-8pm please share

Inaugural Architects Declare Zoom Welcome Meeting – Thursday 11th June 7-8pm It has been a year since the Architects Declare movement started in the UK by all seventeen living winners of the Stirling Prize. Since then it has grown to Read More …

Compare Apples with Apples – nZEB & Passivhaus #ThermalBridging #24intphc

I wrote THIS yesterday on my presentation at the 24th Passive House Conference on nZEB & Passivhaus in Ireland and the question is that surely they must be close now in terms of performance? As I said in my conference Read More …