Architect as… Prototype Designer

I know this has been said a million times and I’m surprised it’s taken me this long to include it within my ‘Architect as…’ series but it’s important to recognise that the architect is in effect a prototype designer. Every Read More …

New responsibilities for homeowners under Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013

As well as the forthcoming changes to the Building Regulations in March 2014; last week saw the signing into law of the new Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE FOR HOMEOWNERS Read More …

Part L Thermal Modelling/Building Regulation compliance:Pt 3 #Passivhaus @Target_Zer0 mentioned

This third post on the basics of Thermal Modelling and Building Regulation compliance and explains how Thermal Bridging is handled as part of the Passivhaus certification. This FACT SHEET outlines the fundamentals of Passivhaus Thermal Bridge terminology and calculations. It Read More …

This is my S.I 9 policy…

I’m a great believer in setting your cards out on the table; so with that in mind below is my ‘company’ policy on S.I no.9 of 2014: • So that the Government doesn’t suspect me of overcharging on ‘Designer’ and Read More …

Why I don't give free consultations… @JimConnolly mentioned

I was reading THIS POST recently by Jim Connolly on why ‘Offering free consultations can be an expensive mistake’ and I urge all architects (and any professional for that matter) to implement the advice immediately. The good news is that Read More …

Architect as the Sundance kid and why allowing your architect to move is key…

This series of ‘Architect as…’ posts have been going for a while now and this is an interesting one…: Architect as the Sundance Kid and why allowing your architect to move is key… Remember the scene in Butch Cassidy and Read More …

This is my short summary (to a client) on S.I.No.9 of 2014

This is my very short summary of the Building Regulation changes in S.I. No.9 of 2014, am I missing anything big? • Anyone can design and submit planning applications • The new Building Regulations for residential clients apply to new Read More …

Architect as mercenary businessman

I remember the class being asked at one of our Part III lectures by the great John Cane (arbitrator & expert witness) “What is the purpose of being an architect”. Now Oxford Poly (Brookes now) was pretty arty and the Read More …

Specialist Certifier 2- Architect: Questions and Answers

Here’s my services/proposals as Architect, Designer & Assigned Certifier on the BRegs Forum

The difficulty with inspecting and certifying self-builders…

I was just going to mention this in a tweet but I think it needs a few more words – it’s still going to be a nice short, punchy post 😉 When you’re working on a main contractor built project; Read More …