Happy New Year, all the best for 2016 & let's get to know each other

Mark Stephens Architects hopes you all had a great Christmas, Happy New Year and all the best for 2016. There are many faithful readers amongst you; and I thank you for reading, commenting and being a vital part of the Read More …

Initial Consultation Policy changed (yet again)

Again I’m having to reevaluate how to handle ‘Initial Consultations’; if you want to see how many times I’ve changed this policy type Initial Consultation into the search field of this site. So this is what I’m now doing: • Read More …

So you think you're a good architect; do you design these for your projects too? #FLW

I’ve been looking at planning a trip later in the year to Chicago as an ‘architectural tour’ of mostly work by Frank Lloyd Wright. Now we all know about his classic buildings: or: And we sort of knew about the Read More …

Skin in the Game (@bobborson mentioned again)

If you’re an architect, architecture student, interested in architecture or how architects work then if you’re not following Bob Borson’s blog ‘Life of an architect’ you should. One of my favourite posts on architectural fees (Part 2) gives no nonsense Read More …

Lego launches system for architects [Review by TY lad]

Continuing the blog posts by Fionn Stephens (the in house TY student) this concluding post (forming the trilogy) shows a new architectural specific modelling system by toy leaders Lego. [Read the previous post on the FoamWerks V-cutter HERE and the Read More …

Now I love #RoomToImprove & Dermot but 2 things are missing from prog

Now don’t get me wrong, I love Room To Improve and I love Dermot. I can’t think of another architect has done so much in Ireland to raise awareness of what architects do and how they work. I’ve even professed Read More …

Flooding – an architect's viewpoint

As you’re seeing in the news flooding has hit Ireland (and the UK) hard this year; with vast areas submerged in water, homes destroyed and the cost running into billions. Everything is now pointing to climate change (here’s 5 Things Read More …

Building size; Dublins' shoebox apartments & building small and big!

I’ve written copiously on the subject of building size. Generally about the need for us to build smaller. You can read the last post and links to the previous ones HERE As a rural architect (based in County Mayo) this Read More …

A cautionary tale of buying property in Ireland

Sometimes in this job you’re involved in a cracking tale. And this is such. I’ve got clearance from the person concerned for it’s go-ahead – names, counties and auctioneers omitted! • I’m approached via email enquiring on my interest on Read More …