Upfront payments #ArchitectLikeaStar #ebook #architects #business #clients

Anyone that’s survived in business in Ireland in the last few years should get a medal. It hasn’t been easy and I’ve had to toughen up big time. One aspect of this toughness is concerned with obtaining upfront payments; I’ve Read More …

TY Work experience projects on display in office window @swinfordtown #FLW #Fallingwater #Robie

Over the last two weeks we’ve had two TY students in for work experience. Editors Note: For non-Irish readers TY is Transition Year where you effectively have a sort of ‘gap year’ for other projects, work experience etc… between 16-17 Read More …

@Vectorworks #Energos 4 #Passivhaus #3 @ElrondBurrell @PatrickROsborne mentioned

This final post follows on from: Part 1 on Vectorworks Energos Passivhaus Part 2 on Vectorworks Energos Passivhaus This will serve as a few added points and a bit of a conclusion: I was speaking to Elrond Burrell following the Read More …

At pre-planning on this new house design #architect #design

We’re at pre-planning stage on this new ‘architect’ designed house: I wrote THIS POST in 2013 regarding my ‘sun-tracking’ designs. This one falls into that and has several similarities to what has gone before. What’s interesting as a designer, however Read More …

The power of the architect model – a human story #hope

. You can see a short post on my workshop HERE. The faithful reader will know that we produce foamboard models for the majority of our work. Nothing explains a scheme better than a foamboard model. And a client understands Read More …

Day #1 for TY Student – Work Experience #Fallingwater

So, we have a new TY (Transition Year) student and the project I’ve given him is some research into a famous building, drawings of it and then a model. And what better building to cover than Fallingwater. Here’s what Aaron Read More …

First design charette with client! @bobborson mentioned (again)

Inspired by @bobborson (again) from THIS POST regarding directly schematic designing with the client. I decided to take a similar approach by directly working through ideas and challenges seated alongside the client. I suppose you could call this an architect-client Read More …

Top Tips For Planning Your New Home Gym guest post by @remodeling

We’ve been asked a few times recently to either incorporate a gym into new house or to factor in space into an existing one. This guest post by Stephanie Sylvester of Modernize outlines what you should consider when planning your Read More …

A new way of working #Architects #Initial #Consultation

Although not new for some architects, this is a dramatic departure from the way we used to work regarding the initial and subsequent consultation. We always found that initial and ‘starting the job’ consultations troublesome as either too much is Read More …

We also do #Conservation Reports for #Planning

Thought I’d let you know that we are also asked as RIAI Architects Accredited in Conservation (Grade III) to undertake Conservation Reports as part of the planning application process. We’ve undertaken a few so far since becoming accredited and we’re Read More …