Will we ever put blinds on our house [poll] + coolest house on film

I love a blog post – Combo: 1. Will we ever put blinds on our house Mash-up with: 2. The coolest house included in a film: Following on from yesterdays blog post on A LONG OVERDUE JOB ON THE HOUSE Read More …

A long overdue job done on our house – the joys (& woes) of self-building…

Even after ‘completing’ our house and living in it for the last 7 years there are still jobs that need to be done. One of these jobs we finished this weekend… Below is the BEFORE photograph… Our house – AFTER: Read More …

A Glenn Murcutt quote for discussion…

A very short post. Whilst reading Glenn Murcutt – buildings + projects by Francoise Fromonot a paragraph jumped out at me: “…[he] tells anyone who will listen that he much prefers to carry on doing ‘very small buildings very well’ Read More …

The Travis Price lecture, Spirit of Place – Spirit of Design, Spirit of Consumerism and a possible language for contemporary architecture…

I was at the the Travis Price lecture in Westport on Sunday and thought I’d share the main concepts and thoughts about it: For those uninitiated to Travis Price, he’s an American architect, author, teacher, philosopher who’s lecturing and work Read More …

Sun tracking designs & variations in the story

I’ve written previously on the concept of Architect as Story Teller and it’s interesting to see this theory in action now that that I have two of the ‘stories’ currently on site and under construction. The residential work I concentrate Read More …

Planning Permission Granted on this extension…

I heard today that this planning permission was granted today for a double house extension to this 1990’s dormer house. It’s an interesting conundrum we wrestled with during the design process – How do you extend a relatively modern house? Read More …

Today I am sad and this is why…

A long time before we moved to Ireland, pre-kids and still running my Vectorworks consultancy I was called by an architect in the British Virgin Islands with the conversation going something along the lines of the following: “I hear you Read More …

Where I work, how to find an architect & I can't be everywhere so who else would I trust?

The work of an architect tends (unless you’re a starchitect) to be fairly locally based. But saying that it’s still surprising the spread that the working is taking on; with most of the projects centred around the county I live Read More …

Visual Appropriateness, car show rooms and church gables

As the faithful readers know I studied at was Oxford Polytechnic (now Brookes) and the defacto bible that the architects and urban designers worked to was RESPONSIVE ENVIRONMENTS A Manual for Designers by Bentley, Alcock, Murrain, McGlynn Smith Still very Read More …

Gorgeous detailing from @bobborson – 'under construction'

As you can see from the flickr feed, I am regularly posting photos of my own projects ‘under construction’ and blog post intermittently during the build. This time, I thought I’d link to one of the posts from the legend Read More …