The Americans are like us, but there are differences: #1 Utility vs Mud Rooms

I love it when I can feel a series of blog posts starting and I feel this one has legs. I’ve been very lucky over the last year working for a US company producing drawings for architectural projects in the Read More …

Projects on site catch-up

Following up on A whistle stop tour of projects under construction here’s an up to date catch-up slideshow on ‘where we’re at now’:

Where does an architect start when designing?

A good question. Where does an architect start when designing? The answer is simple and that is why this is just a short post. The architect puts themselves in the position of the client and thinks: “I am the client, Read More …

Today I've learnt a German word: Baukunst

Flicking through Julys RIBA Journal an article by architect Ian Shaw caught my eye. The article describes his practice’ work in Germany ( and the Germans approach to architecture. The new word I learnt was Baukunst: “The recognition of building Read More …

Clients have to make lots of decisions when building, @bobborson mentioned (again)

If you’re contemplating a construction project whether a whole house, extension or refurbishment be prepared to make a lot of decisions. I was reminded of that this week over a single external door. So let’s look at the decisions you Read More …

A whistle stop tour of projects under construction:

Following a flurry of site visits over the last few I thought I’d share a few images together with captions of what’s under construction at the moment: You’ll have seen this over the last few months; a rural house in Read More …

Architect as… witness…

This is one of the ‘Architect as…’ posts I’ve been doing on an irregular basis. To see the rest either search for ‘Architect as’ in the right side bar or CLICK HERE… I’d written previously about Mark Stephens Architects as Read More …

I look into crystal ball again, we can change the future and the benefits of an architect… ( and a thanks again to @Barros_Isabel )

Following on a bit from the last Crystal ball gazing post on Building Control and Self-Builders I’m looking into the crystal ball again and see one possible development that could arise from the Building Control Amendment. Cue sound effects, whooo, Read More …

Why time sheets are important and why you should love them…

We’ve all been there, asked as a young architect by the partner or office manager to get the time sheets up to date. It was one of my least favourite jobs; I have difficulty trying to remember what I did Read More …

The Process

I’ve been thinking about this one for a while and it was reading through ‘the process’ of Bernbaum-Magadini Architects that I thought it would be a help to potential clients to see each stage and what is required and to Read More …