Happy New Year ! Office & business Covid opening arrangements…

Below is an update of our working arrangements for the next 4 weeks due to the current Level 5 lockdown. From Monday 4th January 2020 for 4 weeks the office will be closed to visitors. Work is continuing remotely. Site Read More …

YT speaking @UCDArch @CURRENT_IRELAND #Lecture Series 11th Dec 1-2pm with @itsligo

You are welcome to a Zoom lecture co-hosted by myself & Bernadette Donohoe – Programme Chair of Architectural Design at IT Sligo on Friday 11th December 1-2pm, details below: https://ucd-ie.zoom.us/j/85946920172 Passcode: 597113 Bernadette Donohoe – Programme Chair of Architectural Design Read More …

Big news for our work going forward…

The faithful readers will know that I have been teaching at IT Sligo for the last few years and it looks at the moment that I will undertaking more lecturing over the forthcoming period. We are still completing projects and Read More …

Compare Apples with Apples – nZEB & Passivhaus #ThermalBridging #24intphc

I wrote THIS yesterday on my presentation at the 24th Passive House Conference on nZEB & Passivhaus in Ireland and the question is that surely they must be close now in terms of performance? As I said in my conference Read More …

Delivered presentation at #24intPHC International Passivhaus Conference on nZEB, Passivhaus & Certification in Ireland

Well I think my presentation yesterday ‘Mind the gap: nZEB and Pas­siv­haus: An Ir­ish per­spec­ti­ve’ at the 24th International Passive House Conference went OK. Originally planned for Berlin (was really looking forward to returning to the city where we had Read More …

Yeats Academy 2020 Year Book @itsligo #Architecture

Typically at the end of the academic year the students would be busily & frantically preparing their ‘Creative Showcase’ Exhibition. You can see last years work HERE. Well as you all know this has been a different & difficult year. Read More …

24th International Passive House Conference Discount Code ps I’ll be there

I am pleased to announce that I will be speaking at the forthcoming 24th Passive House Conference (20th September – 8th October) and the discount code below resets the ticket price to 300€ / for members to 200€ for the Read More …

@ITSligo #Yearbook #Architecture #Faculty #JobFairy #YAADA

The long-time readers will know that I do some lecturing at IT Sligo in the Architecture Department. Each year, the outgoing year is featured in the ‘Year Book’ and as you can expect this year has been a little different Read More …

We are open for business!

Popped into the office and opened up briefly to get a few things in the resumption back to construction work. Also changed the notice on the door to the below: And I even took a photo of me, taking a Read More …

Update on working under #Covid19 #StillWorking

I wrote THIS POST last week on our Covid-19 working policy; most of this is still current but this is a quick update on where we’re at currently: • The office is technically closed, one staff member is there isolated Read More …