Merry Christmas & Happy New Year & opening hours…

Seasons greetings to all, our opening hours are as follows: Closed 1pm Friday 22nd December Opening again 9am Tuesday 2nd January Have a great break and many thanks to past, current & future clients & colleagues. And in the spirit Read More …

It’s a wrap on the filming at the Lighthouse keepers cottage… #Conservation #Restoration

THIS POST gives information on the forthcoming film where one of our restoration projects was used as a location. Well the filming has been wrapped up and I went back when it was all over to take a few additional Read More …

The magic of film takes over in this Lighthouse Keeper’s Cottage Restoration in Co. Mayo Ireland

The faithful reader will have seen the ongoing restoration work we’ve been undertaking at Ballyglass Lighthouse Keeper’s Cottage in Belmullet, Co. Mayo. Well my work here (for a while is ending) where we now have the cast iron gutters, spike Read More …

Planning granted on this contemporary yet traditional barn house in #Mayo

Another Planning come through. Coming in thick and fast now. This one has a long story (saga) which I’m not going into here but stretches back to 2013 or so. The house was partially built so we had to get Read More …

Our #restoration of the light house keepers cottage is in #CryFromTheSea #Film

The embargo on me talking about this project has been lifted and I can give details on how our restoration project of the light house keepers cottage at Ballyglass, Belmullet, County Mayo is going to be in a forthcoming film Read More …

#Planning granted on this tricky independent unit #extension #Sligo #courtyard #VectorWorks #TwinMotion

We’ve just received notification that this tricky planning application for an independent living unit as an extension to a house. Based around a courtyard, this discreet separate unit links to the existing house whilst tying into an existing set of Read More …

VR Test #4 @Vectorworks #Oculus #UnrealEngine

I think this may be last post (for a while) on the testing we’ve been doing with VectorWorks, Unreal Engine and a Oculus Quest 2 VR headset… THIS is the last post that gives the links for the previous ones Read More …

Test #3 @VectorWorks & VR Headsets #UnrealEngine

A trio of VectoWorks tests with the Oculus Quest 2 Headset. HERE is the first with TwinMotion HERE is the second with SketchUp. And below is the third with Unreal Engine. But first what is Unreal Engine and why am Read More …

VR Oculus Quest 2 – Test 2 – SketchUp

Blog posts are like buses; you wait ages for one and then 2 come straight away. So yesterday I wrote HERE about the testing we’ve been doing with the Oculus Quest 2 VR headset with VectorWorks and TwinMotion. Today I’ve Read More …

VR – continues in our work… @vectorworks mentioned #Twinmotion

The faithful readers will know of my involvement in Virtual Reality (VR) of many years. And it’s interesting that this blog is now documenting changes as they happen in this area. In 2017 I wrote THIS POST on how we Read More …